Code of Ethics
Each Trauma Recovery Coach certified by the International Association of Trauma Recovery Coaching is held to the following standards. Violation of these standards is grounds for a review, and possibly a removal, of their Certification. Prior to every two year renewal of a coach’s Certification they must take a review course on the Code of Ethics. It’s a vital part of our professional standards.
Practice Standards
Trauma Recovery Coaches work with clients as peers and equals. They recognize that while they may be experts at trauma and recovery, their clients are experts on their individual needs and wishes.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches treat their clients, as well as their client’s time and money, with respect.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches do not discriminate against any race, gender, social class, gender identity or religious belief.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches respect their client’s views, ideals and beliefs.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches set goals with their clients that reflect their client’s needs and wishes, not those of the coach.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches do not allow clients to leave sessions when they are significantly triggered and feeling unsafe.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches set boundaries with their clients that facilitate the development of their relationship with their clients in sessions and adjunctive healing activities such as support groups. Boundaries are set that neither promote or accept interactions outside of coaching activities.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches do not engage in romantic or sexual relationships with clients.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches do not involve in financial dealings outside of the scope of coaching activities.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches do not refer their clients to services that they have not personally vetted.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches do not abandon their clients in any manner. If they must stop their coaching practice or release any clients they must do so with an explanation and a referral to other coaching providers.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches do not require contractual obligation with their clients regarding the length or frequency of coaching services.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches keep up-to-date with research and methodology in the field of trauma, trauma recovery and intervention
Scope of Coaching Practice
- Trauma Recovery Coaches do not work with client’s who are engaged in behavior that puts their physical safety at risk, such as: active alcohol and drug addiction, active and significant self-harming behavior.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches do not work with clients who are actively suicidal.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches do not have sessions with clients who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Coaches must reschedule clients in that situation and address the drug or alcohol issue at a subsequent session.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches provide Trauma Informed Services at all times.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches do not offer services to clients who require assistance with issues outside of the coach’s scope of competence.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches seek professional supervision from a qualified Supervisor when they encounter issues in their practice that they are not fully competent to handle.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches do not diagnose or assess mental health issues.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches do not provide advice about psychotropic medication.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches do not work with minors.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches do not conduct sessions under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches provide their services with complete confidentiality. Coaches do not disclose their work with any clients, client records or any client information to anyone without a written consent from their client or a court ordered subpoena.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches obtain a written release from their clients upon a client request to share information with another individual, such as a doctor, psychiatrist or hospital.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches keep accurate, detailed records of their work with clients. They store those records in such a way that does not allow access to them by anyone other than the Coach themselves. This includes both written documents and online data.
- Trauma Recovery Coaches voluntarily serve as Mandatory Reporters. They ALWAYS report current and ongoing abuse to minors and elders to their appropriate local agencies.